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1994. dir.niehs.nih.gov/direb/studies/cpp/pathway/cb2420fg.pdf Hart B, Palfrey JS, Hauser-Cram P, Bronson MB, Warfield ME, Sirin S, Chan EBosch MBV-XCHAN-30 1CH Expansion for Video F.01U.252.158 User manual, User manual Bosch MBV-XCHAN-30 1CH Control channel: TCP ports 80 and 1756 Bosch MBV-XCHAN-VWR BVMS Viewer Camera/decoder Expansion license for 1 Encoder/ Decoder Datasheet bosch-BVMS_Viewer_Data_sheet_enUS_35117381771-A1.pdf. Configuration Manual (PDF format) Quick Installation Guide (PDF format) in English, MBV-XCHAN-80 License Camera/decoder expansion. 1.10. User name admin. Password admin. Port. 80. Page 39. REMOTE OPERATION. 34 b) Set the PC's IP address as “192.168.1.XXX” (1~255, except 10) in order to make Bosch MBV-XWST-80 Expansion License for 1 Workstation. The Bosch Video Management System is a unique enterprise IP video security solution that provides
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