Kiswahili as a medium of instruction
Kiswahili has a place in national policy in East Africa partly because it is a presponderant language. It is used as an additional language by tens of millions of East Africans who outnumber the native The choice of Kiswahili as a medium of instruction in peri-urban areas, as a subject up to grade 12 in English or Kiswahili should be used as the medium of instruction in kindergarten or nursery and classes 1-7 in urban areas. Using English as a medium of instruction does not mean ignoring the indigenous languages, because efforts could be made to train translators to translate books written in Only English as a Medium of Instruction English as MOI from Primary Schools Speaking English only in the classroom can improve English standards Annoyed when the Teacher use Swahili in an English lesson. Category of schools Swahili Medium Schools F % F % FA DN 14 14 10 10 74. Kiswahili remains the most preferred language of use in all major domains. This study proposes that the place and role of Kiswahili be further enhanced in the country by exploring its possible use as a medium of instruction at secondary school level. Further, the study proposes that local vernaculars Furthermore, since Kiswahili has been recently declared the medium of instruction at all levels of education in the country by the Government of Tanzania, the findings are. It is indeed, a sudden switch from Kiswahili to English as a medium of instruction without prior orientation. As in other research, the medium of instruction (MoI) preference in this paper is conceptualised to refer to the language that teachers prefer to use when The curriculum connects the significance of Kiswahili as a subject to three proposed values: the advancement of the Kenyan economy, the In Kenya Kiswahili is used as a second medium of communication , while in Uganda they are barely trying to learn it because they need to communicate and do business with people It can only follow instructions. This instructions are rigid and therefore why computers need so much code to work. As a medium of instruction in Kenya's education system, English has rarely been challenged. On the contrary, it has always been given exclusive attention by the language educational policy. The effect of Kiswahili on the use of English as a Medium of Instruction in Kenya. In Tanzania Kiswahili is the language of instruction in most public primary schools, but pupils in standard II and III cannot read Kiswahili language Mkwizu (2003) defines "medium of instruction" as the language that is used in the process of teaching and learning. She describes it as a tool for Although Kiswahili is a compulsory subject in the secondary school curriculum, the language policy of a given school affects the attitude of the learners. Mauritius which is a multilingual nation finds it hard to implement a policy of making English as second language and as a medium of instruction. Kiswahili, the Swahili language, is widely spoken across East Africa. For most Kenyans and Tanzanians, Kiswahili is learned as a second language. In Kenya and Uganda, it is a national language, since official communication and the medium of instruction in the two countries is English. public business and as a medium of instruction in education meant that some de-liberate efforts had to be made to develop the language. Kiswahili got to the interior as a result of old trading journeys. The Committee had the task of standardizing the orthography of the dialect, in-cluding word divisions Kiswahili, the Swahili language, is widely spoken across East Africa. For most Kenyans and Tanzanians, Kiswahili is learned as a second language. In Kenya and Uganda, it is a national language, since official communication and the medium of instruction in the two countries is English. public business and as a medium of instruction in education meant that some de-liberate efforts had to be made to develop the language. Kiswahili got to the interior as a result of old trading journeys. The Committee had the task of standardizing the orthography of the dialect, in-cluding word divisions Kiswahili has over thirty phonemes. Traditional Kiswahili phonologists have identified five as vowels (Current linguists have identified more vowels), yet any It is the language of instruction in Tanzania in primary schools (Webb and Kembo-Sure 2001:50) and a medium of instruction in Kenya in lower
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